Bhagawan Ramana Maharshi’s Gita Sara – Jnana Yagna in Kannada, Swami Brahmananda

Pujya Swami Brahmananda conducted a Gita Jnana Yajna in Kannada from 18/03/2017 to 24/03/2017 at Ramana Heritage Centre, Sanjayanagar taking Bhagawan Ramana Maharshi’s Gita Sara. The Yajna was inaugurated by Kum. Diya, Chi. Adish and Kum. Sudhishna. Pujya Swamiji explained that all misery in the world is due to our false attachment to the body, mind and intellect due to ignorance that leads to mis-apprehension of the reality. It is absolutely necessary not to get under the influence of the senses and understand the truth that “I” the witness of all the states of experience is the light that enlivens the entire universe. It is this supreme truth that manifests in the outer world of names and forms and all duality that is experienced is only a projection just as the waves appear and merge in the infinite ocean. All realised Masters have been able to experience this state which the other sadhaks can comprehend only after intense sadhana.

The Yajna was very well attended.

Sanjayanagar Brahmaji Gita Sara Mar 2017 (12) Sanjayanagar Brahmaji Gita Sara Mar 2017 (6) Sanjayanagar Brahmaji Gita Sara Mar 2017 (3)

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