Visit of Deputy CM of MP at Rewa

Date : 10 Feb 2024

The Honourable Deputy Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh, Shri Rajendra Shukla, visited Chinmaya Seva Ashram Laua-Lakshmanpur, Rewa, in the early evening of 9 February 2024 and joined in for a Bhajan Sandhya. The Managing Trustee of Chinmaya Sewa Trust Rewa presented him with ‘The Holy Geeta’ by Swami Chinmayananda, on behalf of the Centre.

The Hon’ble Deputy CM stayed overnight at the Ashram after participating in Samashti Bhiksha with Pitamahs and followers of Chinmaya Mission. He was also part of the morning Arati, after which he saw the Gaushala of the Ashram before he left.