Remembering Swami Purushottamananda

Swami Purushottamananda’s 75th Jayanti (Birth Anniversary) was on 21st May 2011. At the time of his Mahasamadhi Rupali Vadekar recited a Marathi Poem as homage to him. Today, as we remember him, we reproduce below the English translation of the Marathi poem. We are thankful to Shri Ravindra Damle for providing us with the translation. If you understand Marathi, we recommend the original poem at this link.


Saw one lonely cloud, In the hot summer day

Was facing heat from sun, But appeared happy and gay


Don’t know from where it came, But surely arrived on time

With a bagful of moisture, On an urgent call from ground


Dark with a sharp silver lining, Carrying life’s load on its back

Smearing rays hitting its back, Seen challenging that severe wroth


Forgetting lashing rays on its back, Came forward with open arms

Keeping the sun away from the land, As if swallowing all that warmth


With serene coolness in his touch, As if that’s his true nature

Took away the heat from all, Without showing any stature


Even modesty shied looking at him, The cloud was such a gem

Running for others emptying own self, Inclined always not for name


Gave life to thirsty people, Made butter of parched soil

Burst in with such a vigour, Took away the ‘I’ ness forever


So much absorbed in moist nature, That he lost his own form

And without knowing by any one, Dissolved in the giant cosmos