'Think Big, Think Chinmaya', is Chinmaya Mission’s Global Online Satsang with its Global Head, Pujya Swami Swaroopananda, an inspiring endeavour, to strengthen the bond shared by the Chinmaya family worldwide. It is an attempt, for members to come together in the inspiring presence of Pujya Swamiji and gain guidance to work tirelessly to spread Pujya Gurudev, Swami Chinmayananda’s timeless vision of 'Maximum Happiness' to the world!
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Watch how to join live telecast at the time of Satsang Mobile View / Desktop View
Think Big, Think Chinmaya Online Satsang: Session 1:
1st February 2020 4.30 PM IST / Not in IST? Click Here for your local time
(Please see your confirmation email for the start time in your time zone)
Think Big, Think Chinmaya Online Satsang: Session 2:
2nd February 2020 7.00 AM IST / Not in IST? Click Here for your local time
(Please see your confirmation email for the start time in your time zone / Not in IST?)
Admission Free, Open to All!
Format of the Global Satsang:
1. Login 15 minutes early for the special Slide Show and warm up
2. Listen to Swami Swaroopananda on Be a Lamp Unto Oneself! - 35 Mins
3. Update on Projects and Activities - 5 Mins
4. Benefit from Q n A Session with Swamiji - 15 Mins
Important Points to Note:
- Watch session link works only for the registered email account.
- Only one session can be launched using one email account, so don't forward, instead have your friends and relatives register.
- You can also login into the session using the link provided in the registration confirmation mail.
- If you haven't received confirmation mail after you register, wait for the reminder mails.
- Don't try to test the watch link before the session starts, as it will give you incorrect information regarding your registration status.