Home Study Courses

Knowledge alone can give us a sense of detachment, without which life is a bondage and freedom only a dream.
Master Gita Master Life
The Mahabharata rightly declares: Gītā sugītā kartavyā kimanyaiḥ śāstravistaraiḥ – If you master the Bhagavad Gita, what is the need for a pile of Scriptures?” Immensely practical and thus the most popular of the scriptural texts through the millennia, the Bhagavad Gita is an unparalleled self-transformation tool. Mastering the wisdom of the Gita one truly masters the mind, life and the world.
All the verses of the Bhagavad Gita will be detailed through discourses to understand the intricacies of the subject, Q&A sessions to get clarity, and meditation sessions to allow the knowledge to be assimilated. Participants will also be taught Gita chanting. There is an online forum for group discussion to reflect on important topics.
This course will help everyone study Bhagavad Gita in depth. The twenty months of this course are an austerity and resolve to transform your life. Should we sincerely follow the essence of the teachings of Bhagavad Gita, it would take away our anger, jealousy, and stress. It will transform us into new personalities where we realize that we are born to live happily and contentedly.
This course is meant for ‘busy people’. It is well-spaced to give everyone sufficient time to learn and digest the supreme knowledge. You just have to take out 11 to 12 hours in every month according to your schedule to listen and study.
Even if someone has already completed CIF’s Bhagavad Gita course, this far more extensive and in-depth study of the Bhagavad Gita, will definitely benefit them.
Home Study Courses
Chinmaya International Foundation
Adi Sankara Nilayam
Eranakulam District
Pin – 682313, Kerala, India.
+91-484-2749676 | +91-9207-711-140 | mgml@chinfo.org
Find out more about the Master Gita Master Life.