Chinmaya Mission Raleigh-Durham


Chinmaya Mission Raleigh-Durham (CM RDU) officially formed in November 2001, after a group of families began Chinmaya Bala Vihar (BV) and Study Group activities. The growing center was expanded and reorganized in 2008. What began as one Chinmaya Study Group and two Chinmaya Bala Vihar classes with 20 students, has mushroomed over five years with new BV families, Study Group members, and sevaks coming under the CM umbrella.

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Resident Acharya


c/o Nitin Bhanap

2605 Pathview Ct.

NC 27613

Raleigh-Durham -

North Carolina, USA


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[pw_map address="c/o Nitin Bhanap ,Raleigh-Durham,North Carolina,USA" width="323px" height="230px"]