Chinmaya Mission Sydney

The Sydney Division of CMA became really established after the first visit of Swami Chinmayananda in 1988. Many new seekers became inspired to study the scriptures and try to serve society by living the Chinmaya Mission way – keeping the disciplines of regular study and worship and in seeking – through dedicated selfless service – maximum happiness for the maximum number for the maximum time. Following Gurudev’s visit, Bal Vihar commenced along with additional adult study classes in various localities, and an even larger group attended to celebrate festivals and holy days. Devotional singing has been a feature of the Chinmaya Mission in Sydney since the early days. Each Chinmaya Mission has a local flavour or specialty and reflects the mood and energy of its locality. The Sydney Mission has always featured large and joyous annual Family Camps and Balvihar (childrens) camps in lovely outdoor settings in addition to the regular public discourses and study groups. The Sydney youth group (CHYK) is also very dynamic, reflecting the pace and energy of the business capital of Australia. Sydney people are well suited to the dynamic approach of the Mission that seeks to spiritualise daily life, not by suppression and rigidity but by turning vibrant energy and creativity to higher goals.
By 1993 Swami Swaroopananda had been assigned to Australia, and his first visit heralded the next leap of growth in the Mission in Sydney.
Swamiji’s sharp mind, energy, enthusiasm, and cheerful fun-loving spirit match the energy of the harbour city, and activities have multiplied under his guidance. The arrivals of Brahmacharini Sujata in 1998 and Brahmachari Gopal in 2004 to further spread the teachings have heralded the next period of expansion and especially the establishment of the Sydney Centre, Chinmaya Sannidhi. In Mid 2004 the blessings of Swami Chinmayananda reached fulfilment when the Mission acquired a property situated in the northeast of the city, with a large building for a Centre from which activities could be coordinated across Sydney.
The Sydney Centre has been named Chinmaya Sannidhi
which means “in the close presence of Chinmaya (pure consciousness)”. A heartland of the Mission’s work and purpose, Chinmaya Sannidhi is also the home of idols of Sri Rama Parivar, who bless the efforts of the Brahmacharis and keep the flame of selfless service ignited by Gurudev burning there without cease. It is a lovely place with a large peaceful garden and cosy dwellings for the Swamis and Brahmacharis from where they go out to spread Vedantic knowledge.
The library makes the teachings accessible to all seekers. The Sannidhi has the express purpose of being a Centre where cultural, spiritual and community values may grow. Children are encouraged to participate in social service and environmental improvement activities as well as traditional Hindu cultural activities. It is intended that the Sannidhi will be a haven of peace and a blessing for the entire community.
Upcoming Events
Resident Acharya

Contact Details
Phone: +61-2-8850 7400
E-Mail: sshrikarananda@chinmaya.com.au
Sydney - New South Wales
Chinmaya Sannidhi
38 Carrington Road
Castle Hill
Sydney - NSW 2154
New South Wales, Australia

