Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda first came to Mangalore in 1956 to conduct a Yajna and then on he continued his visits to Mangalore. Members got together, formed committees and conducted Pujya Gurudev's yajnas as well as yajnas by other Acharyas till the year 2000 with the Mission Centre functioning from various locations.

In 2001 the Centre purchased a site; under the guidance of the then resident Acharya Br. Udaya Chaitanya (now Swami Hamsananda) and the construction of the new centre Sharada Sannidhi was commenced. On 22nd October 2004 the Sharada Sannidhi was formally inaugurated by Pujya Guruji Swami Tejomayananda in the holy presence of Veda Brahmashree, late Shri H Subraya Bhat.Various activities are conducted at the Centre for people of all age groups. Additionally the Centre is available for the conducting of Sadhana Camps by Acharyas from various other centres for Chinmaya Mission devotees.