Essence of Bhagavad Geetha – Jnana Yagna in Kannada, Swami Krutatmananda

Pujya Swami Krutatmananda of Shimoga centre conducted a Gita Jnana Yajna in Kannada at Ragigudda Prasanna Anjaneya Swamy Temple, Jayanagar from 07/03/2017 to 11/03/2017 discoursing on the Essence of Bhagavad Gita. The Yajna was inaugurated by Pujya Swamiji himself. Pujya Swamiji explained that the Bhagavad Gita stresses on performing unselfish work in the true Yajna spirit without worrying about results keeping the mind calm amidst all circumstances. This is the only way to understand that all bondage is imaginary and come out of the delusory attraction of the external world. Study of the Bhagavad Gita will remove all ignorance kindling the spirit of duty based on true knowledge that will spread peace and harmony in society.

The Yajna was very well attended.

Swami Krutatmananda Ragigudda Mar 2017 (6)

Swami Krutatmananda Ragigudda Mar 2017 (1) Swami Krutatmananda Ragigudda Mar 2017 (2)

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