Chinmaya MIssion Pittsburgh CHYK Retreat 2017

CHYK Pittsburgh held a young adults retreat in Cheswick, Pennsylvania during the first weekend of June. CHYKs from North America gathered together to learn about developing and dedicating ourselves to disciplined living based on the guidance of the Patanjali Yoga Sutras. Gathering at a local family residence, attendees experienced a unique retreat atmosphere, as a home was transformed into an ashram.  Vivekji delivered thoughtful discourses on Rishi Patanjali’s teachings and translated the practice and purpose of yoga. Elaborating on specific verses, Vivekji emphasized how discipline is the key to self-development and, ultimately, independent happiness.

 In addition to discourses, attendees participated in different activities like engaging small-group discussions and creative skit presentations. In efforts to practice discipline, CHYKs enjoyed an intense hike as the sun was rising. And to take further advantage of the beautiful surroundings, they enjoyed an exciting few hours of sports followed by a peaceful pause at a nearby creek.

 Many of the attendees spoke about how grateful they were for the opportunity to meet other like-minded individuals who share similar ideas and were inspired by one another. Please consider joining us next year as we continue down this path of becoming truly and independently happy.

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