Activities in Bengaluru during April 2021

Online Gita Jnana Yajna

Pujya Swami Adityananda of Mandya centre conducted on line Gita Jnana Yajna in Kannada from 03/04/2021 to 10/04/2021 taking Bhagavad Gita Chapter – 7. Pujya Swamiji stressed the importance of seeing the presence of Lord in the world of plurality and relate the essence – Dharma in every visible entity in the universe. This will develop a vision of oneness that will help in dissolving the Ego besides removing all notions and attachments to the external world born out of ignorance. We will then be able to get glimpses of our real nature that will motivate us to pursue sadhana in acquiring Self knowledge which is the ultimate in understanding the purpose of our life.
The Yajna was viewed by several sadhaks.

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