Jnana Yajna at Chinmaya Mission Jaipur

Members of Chinmaya Mission Jaipur were transported to the realm of
Divine bliss by Pujya Swami Abhedananda ji, who kept his promise and dates
with us and once again in the Holy month of Kartik, successfully conducted a
7 day Gyan Yajna on Bhagwad Geeta chapter 5 and Kathopanishad Part 2
from 11th November to 17th November 2018.
The Yajna was ceremoniously inaugurated with shanti path and lighting of the
lamp and chanting of Guru Stotram. President Chinmaya Mission Jaipur
Smt.Mamta Mansingh welcomed Pujya Swamiji and all the seekers.
An erudite scholar, known for his lucid and articulate communication
skill,Swamiji began the morning session on the dialogue between Yamraj and
Nachiketa. Explaining the merits of the path of Shreyas as against the parh of
Preyas, he said that Shreyas, without depending on the circumstances takes
us closer to the Divine Self through renunciation. Whereas Preyas takes you
through desires to the world of sorrow.
Nachiketa who had more dispassion than Yamraj himself enquires about that
state which is beyond past and present, where one can remain permanently
focused on the path. Swamiji’s exposition on a subject as serious as
Kathopanishad and Bhagawad Geeta was laced with wit and humour that
caught the attention of one and all.
In the evening sessions text taken was Bhagawad Geeta chapter 5. While
speaking about the path to Self-realization, Swamiji extolled the virtues of
Karma Yaga, Karma Sanyas Yoga and Gyan Karma Sanyas Yoga.
The secret of leading ones life skillfully, lies on these virtues. Unselfish action
performed in a spirit of surrender leads a spiritual seeker to a state of bliss.
As circumstances are not always in our hands attachments and expectations
lead to sorrow and helplessness, but when we surrender our effort with faith,
that there is someone behind taking care, our distress reduces. Giving up the
fruit of action is Puja is Karma yoga. Geeta speaks of Karana Yoga, Karma
Sanyas Yoga and Gyan Karma Sanyas Yoga. Without Karma Yoga
renunciation is difficult to attain.
The 7 days spiritual festivities ended on 17th November. On the last day of
Yajna, Secretary Chinmaya Mission Jaipur presented vote of thanks and
expressed gratitude towards Pujya Swamiji and all the seekers.

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