Swami Swaroopanandaji’s trip to Melbourne 2017


Chinmaya Mission Melbourne had the wonderful opportunity to host our Pujya Swami Swaroopanandaji twice in the months of March and May. From March 25th-29th, Pujya Swamiji went through the first part of Chapter 2 of the Bhagavad Gita, the yoga of self-enquiry. Through day to day examples, Pujya Swamiji demonstrated the different standpoints of our three personalities and how when not aligned, cause absolute chaos! Pujya Swamiji emphasized repeatedly that it is through the process of self-enquiry that we are able to dissect and understand ourselves and in the process gain clarity. Listening to Pujya Swamiji expound on the very verses Lord Krishna discoursed with Arjuna was indeed a treat.

In the second leg of Pujya Swamiji’s trip to Melbourne, from May 2-7, 31 participants from all over Australia joined Pujya Swamiji at Candlebark Farm in Healesville to take part in the highly anticipated Make it Happen. It is the second time in Australia that Pujya Swamiji has conducted this camp. Set in the serene and lush backdrop of the Australian outback, Pujya Swamiji took the participants on an inward journey of self-discovery. The days were spent in Pujya Swamiji’s discourses, quiet reflection and carefully designed activities to test limits and push boundaries. We delved into the layers of our personalities to unmask and discover our life’s purpose. It is indeed a wonder how easily we slip on masks but how difficult it is to slip them off! Through his gentle guidance, we worked through self-doubt and limiting beliefs and came through with a new perspective on ourselves. As camp drew to a close, all of us felt a deeper appreciation for this timeless knowledge which Pujya Swamiji had made beautifully practical for us.

Pujya Swamiji spent Gurudev Jayanthi with us in Melbourne on the 8th of May. After Swami Aparokshanandaji conducted Gurudev’s paduka puja, Pujya Swamiji took us on a journey down memory lane as he narrated stories and incidents with Gurudev. The love Gurudev had for all his children shone through in Pujya Swamiji’s narration. We concluded that programme with a guided meditation on Gurudev and as Pujya Swamiji ended the meditation, you could see there was not a dry eye amongst the devotees!

May 10-12 saw the conclusion of Pujya Swamiji’s programme in Melbourne with morning satsangs. We contemplated the indicators of Brahman as prescribed in the verses of Vivekchudamani. Pujya Swamiji took us to the heights of reality in his explanation of “that Brahman thou art”. Over and over again the command came, “brahma tattvamasi bhavayatmani”.

We bow our heads in gratitude and eagerly look forward to Pujya Swamiji’s next visit.

 For More Pictures Click Here

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